dog present
Picture of DORI


Pet safe gatherings

As the holidays approach, we gather together with our family and friends. Here are some great tips to keep your gatherings enjoyable and safe for your fur babies.

Safe Space

With lots of excitement and activity in your home, it can be easy for your pet to become overwhelmed or stressed. Make sure they have a safe space to retreat and be alone for a bit. Kennels, carriers, or a cozy bed set up in a separate room give pets a great option to get away from the holiday hubbub.

House Rules

To ensure the safety of your pets and guests, communicate any house rules to your guests clearly. This could include keeping an eye on small children and pets in the same room, guests meeting your pet for the first time, or guests wanting to bring a pet to your home. Having clear rules in place helps keep our pets from getting stressed.

Noise Noise Noise

Fireworks and confetti poppers are great ways to celebrate the holidays, but they can be scary for our pets. Ensure your pets are in a safe and secure location during fireworks displays to keep them from running off.

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